Women's Legal Literacy Seminar

Women's Legal Literacy Seminar -By Women Development Cell The Women Development Cell of Thakur Ramnarayan College Of Arts and Commerce recently hosted a dynamic seminar on Women's Legal Literacy which aimed at equipping women with the knowledge and confidence to navigate the legal system. The event, held on 3 July, 2024, brought together a diverse group of women from students, teaching and non teaching staff, fostering a space for learning, open discussion, and community building. The seminar featured the renowned lawyer Ms. Priti Trivedi, who delivered a presentation on key legal topics relevant to women's lives.

WDC - Empowering Women's Health

"Empowering Women/s Health" - Navigating Hormonal Changes, PCOD, Menstrual hygiene On July 30, 2024, the Women’s Development Committee (WDC) hosted an insightful awareness session led by Dr. Nilima Inamdar, focusing on navigating hormonal changes, managing Polycystic Ovarian Disease (PCOD), and maintaining menstrual hygiene. Dr. Inamdar addressed the impact of hormonal fluctuations throughout a woman's life, provided practical advice for managing PCOD, and discussed effective menstrual hygiene practices. The interactive session, marked by active audience participation and engaging discussions, empowered attendees with essential knowledge and strategies for better health management. The WDC appreciates Dr. Inamdar's expert contribution and looks forward to continuing its efforts in promoting women's health awareness

Project Akshay Dhaga - Inauguration Event

Project Akshay Dhaga-Inauguration Event TRCAC WDC committee is contributing for this project Akshay Dhaga with the Associate Akshay Shakti NGO and Abhinav School. This project inauguration ceremony is done on date 14th August 2024. TRCAC is invited as a guest.

“Skit on Women Equality” on Borivali Railway Station

The Women Development Cell(WDC) of Thakur Ramnarayan College of Arts and Commerce was recently organized a special awareness skit on women equality, scheduled on Saturday 31st August 2024. This initiative aims to educate and empower individuals with the right to live free from violence and discrimination; to enjoy the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health: to be educated; to own property; to vote; and to earn an equal wage;

“Skit on Women Equality”

The Women Development Cell(WDC) of Thakur Ramnarayan College of Arts and Commerce was recently organized a special awareness skit on women equality, scheduled on Thursday 29Th August 2024. This initiative aims to educate and empower individuals with the right to live free from violence and discrimination; to enjoy the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health: to be educated; to own property; to vote; and to earn an equal wage;

Women Empowerment Wellness Session

The WDC committee organised a seminar on "Women Empowerment Wellness Session" on 6th March 2024. The speaker of the seminar was Ms. Saudamini Mahey , Corporate wellness trainer, the ME life with an experience of over 4 years in this field. Ms. Mahey's expertise in corporate wellness added credibility to the session, promising valuable insights into holistic well-being for faculty members.

“International Girl Child Day”

The WDC Committee organised a seminar on “International Girl’s Child Day”on 121th October, 2023. The Chairperson of the WDC committee Ms. Priyadarshini Singh welcomed the speaker for the day.The Chief Guest of the event was Smt.Smita Patil, Deputy Commissioner of Police, Mumbai. The seminar began with the inauguration of the logo of Women Development Cell followed by a small skit organised by the junior college students. Further the event was addressed by Smt.Smita Patil.She conveyed about the various challenges that girls face globally as well as how gender equality must extend beyond the boundaries of the classroom and resonate in every facet of our society.She also emphasised on how it is imperative that we create an environment where every girl feels safe, valued, and empowered to pursue her dreams.

"Cyber Bullying & CyberSecurity"

The WDC Committee organised a seminar on “Cyber Bullying & CyberSecurity”on 12th September, 2023. The Chairperson of the WDC committee Ms. Priyadarshini Singh welcomed the speaker for the day.The speaker of the seminar was Mr.Nikhil Shingade,Chief Technology Officer and Cyber Law consultant with an experience of over 10 years in this field. The seminar began with Mr. Nikhil explained various topics relating to cybercrime, cyber laws, hacking, spamming, android hacking, social media, its advantages & disadvantages and about the various forms of cyberbullying and the psychological impact it can have on victims. Attendees were taught how to recognize signs of cyberbullying, whether they were the targets or bystanders.

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